วันเสาร์ที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Suphan Buri

Iuthheete Thani town. Literature up. Celebrated here. Prosperous agriculture. History is exceptionally high. Primary sources of the artist. I listen to dialect.Suphan big producer of rice in Thailand. The city has a long history. A tourist attraction. The city is equipped with facilities. Road comfort. Can travel to destinations across the province with ease.
Suphan rich history, culture and tourism, nature has come to Suphan Buri is considered to be a memorable experience ever.
Suphan Buri province, an area of ​​approximately 3,348,755 million hectares or 5358 square kilometers. The plains suitable for cultivation. The flow of the river nourishes the people in Suphan Buri province.
Suphan Buri is an ancient city. Archaeological evidence found at least 3500-3800 years old artefacts excavated a Neolithic and Bronze Age and Iron Age cultural heritage since the airport Funan Amrawdi Dvaravati, and Srivijaya.
Suphan Buri was called Dvaravati Srisuphanthavorn landscape. Or were the rooms. Located on the banks of the Tha Chin River District, a fence around the big red record Bihar district. The Lord moved in each city is located on the right bank of the river. Please allow at least mon to build a temple at the finish. Lake Forest Ali and restored function. Persuade government officials, 2,000 people have dubbed the new town ordained that two thousand rooms.
Times to the reign of King U-Thong. A southern or western city of Tha Chin River. A city called Thong. Please select a destination place until the sill. This city is known as Suphan ever since.In the Ayutthaya era. Suphan Buri is an outpost in the city and is the big producer of rice. Through several wars. The ancient town was destroyed, leaving the ruins. Up to the time period. Suphan Buri is a newly recovering city. And is located on the east bank of the Tha Chin River. (Suphan River) as long as until today.
The importance of Suphan Buri in the history of independent salvage Thai Ayutthaya period and the victory of King Naresuan the Great War Iuthheete that he has a victory over the battlefield at Don Chedi Phra Maha Raja equipment. The great bravery and great channel strategies that have been inscribed. And a great event to celebrate every year. To honor.
In the literature. Is the origin of the legend. "Khun Chang Khun" which appeared in the context where it is still seen today as the home of the fence at his Lake Forest, ten premium cotton masks the Capital District U-Ali district Sriprahants.
Suphan Buri district is divided into 10 districts namely Muang Suphan Buri. Bagplamga district. Sriprahants district. Don Chedi district. Edimbagnagbwch district. U Sam Chuk district. District swamp grass site. District two brothers. Danchang district.

Image from:www.sakid.com
Image from:www.guidesom.diaryclub.com

